Little dog
[hsk1] 小狗的冒险 (The Little Dog’s Adventure)
Story 从前,有一只小狗叫做旺财。旺财非常喜欢玩耍,但是他从来没有出过门。今天,旺财想要冒险! 旺财跳出了家门。他看到了很多美丽的花和高大的树。他觉得非常开心。 突然,旺财听到了一个声音:“汪汪!”是另一只小狗!它叫做小白。旺财和小白成为了朋友。 他们一起跑到了河边。旺财想要喝水,可是水太深了。小白教他怎么喝水。 太阳慢慢下山了,天变得很黑。旺财害怕了。小白告诉他不要害怕,因为他们是好朋友。 最后,旺财和小白回到了家。他们告诉了家人他们的冒险经历。 从那以后,旺财和小白经常一起玩耍。他们的冒险永远不会结束! 故事结束。 Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Wangcai. Wangcai loved to play, but he had never been outside before. Today, Wangcai wanted to have an adventure! Wangcai jumped out of the house. He saw many beautiful flowers and tall trees. He felt […]
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