Learn Yoruba for Beginners – Lesson 8 : How to say “yes” and “no” in yoruba

Introduction Despite being fatigued, I really want to stick to my weekly yoruba learning goal. So today’s topic is going to be very simple and brief. How to express “yes” and “no” yoruba style. Make sure you reference the YouTube videos linked below for the pronunciations. Lesson Yes Òo Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni  / Bẹẹ ni   […]


Despite being fatigued, I really want to stick to my weekly yoruba learning goal. So today’s topic is going to be very simple and brief. How to express “yes” and “no” yoruba style. Make sure you reference the YouTube videos linked below for the pronunciations.




Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni  / Bẹẹ ni





Hope you enjoyed this very informal post. Please, every suggestion or correction is welcomed and appreciated. Thank you! See you in the next post.

Editor notes

As I am also a beginner in Yoruba, my sentences will be very short and boring. So please bear with me.
