[reddit] I Regret Leaving College: How My Dream Job Turned into a Nightmare of Humiliation and Mistreatment!
1 min read

[reddit] I Regret Leaving College: How My Dream Job Turned into a Nightmare of Humiliation and Mistreatment!

Original Post : I Regret Leaving College: How My Dream Job Turned into a Nightmare of Humiliation and Mistreatment!

The author reflects on their regret about leaving their studies for an apprenticeship, where they have faced mistreatment and disrespect from colleagues. Despite the situation calming somewhat, recent incidents have reignited their frustration. They overheard derogatory comments and suspect deliberate actions to exclude them from certain areas. They feel undervalued and mistreated, comparing their current experience to being treated like an object, and express a preference for the financial struggles of student life over their current degrading apprenticeship.

  1. [+43, -0]  Hey, the situation sounds really bad and bullying is absolutely not okay, but do you generally not enjoy the apprenticeship anymore? Or do you enjoy the tasks? If so, I would suggest trying to change the company if you still enjoy the work itself.
  2. [+10, -0]  Is there a works council at your place? Then take your complaint there.
  3. [+5, -0]  I had a classmate back then who was also in a really bad situation. He found a new company to switch to and coordinated it with the Chamber of Commerce. You can also report bad companies there; they provide support.


For German Learners

BetriebsratWorks council
IHKChamber of Commerce