2 mins read
[fmkorea] HYBE Accuses Min Hee-jin of Plotting Corporate Takeover Amid Album Sales Scandal
Original Article : HYBE: ‘We did not engage in album bulk buying… Min Hee-jin’s accusations are baseless.
HYBE has publicly denied allegations made by Min Hee-jin of ADOR, claiming that they did not engage in ‘album bulk buying’ practices. They argued that these accusations are part of a plan to usurp company control. HYBE clarified their sales strategies and disclosed minor album returns to counter the claims, asserting that their operations adhere to transparent principles. The company also criticized Min’s actions as unjustified and vowed legal action to protect their management integrity.
original post ( here )
- [+444, -80] So if Min Hee-jin isn’t guilty of breach of trust and HYBE isn’t doing bulk buying, then why is HYBE trying to oust her by accusing her of breach of trust?
- [+374, -41] Is asking where to return 100,000 units under a returnable condition part of an ‘informal conversation’? lol
- [+162, -244] Even suggesting the idea of turning ADOR into an empty shell was just casual talk, so I guess that much could also be considered casual talk.
- [+270, -10] Min claims that HYBE suggested New Jeans engage in bulk buying to justify her allegations. However, HYBE says this was just part of an informal conversation.
Korean | English |
음반 밀어내기 | album bulk buying |
근거 없는 의혹 | baseless accusations |
배임 | breach of trust |
사재기 | bulk buying |
반품 가능한 조건 | returnable condition |
사담 | casual talk |
주장 | claim |
정당화하기 위해 | to justify |
권유받았다 | suggested |
넝담 | joke |
쫓아내려고 하는거임 | trying to oust |
물어보는게 | asking |
ㅋㅋ | lol |
나왔네 | played |
뉴진스 | NewJeans |
초동 | initial sales |
억지부리기 | unreasonable behavior |
경영권 탈취 | usurping management control |
문제제기 | raising issues |
공식 입장문 | official statement |
초동 기록 경쟁 | initial sales record competition |
박지원 대표이사 | CEO Park Ji-won |
밀어내기 이슈 | bulk buying issue |
유통사 | distribution company |
초동 판매량 | initial sales volume |
반품 | returns |
전체 음반판매량 | total album sales |
외부 애널리스트 | external analysts |
팬 이벤트 | fan events |
내부통제 강화 | strengthening internal controls |
원칙에 벗어난 | deviating from principles |
불법 탈취 도모 | attempting illegal takeover |
법적 조치 | legal action |
도쿄돔 공연 | Tokyo Dome concert |
IP 보호 | protecting IP |
사내외 | internally and externally |
음반 판매량 | album sales volume |
뉴진스의 컴백 | NewJeans’ comeback |
불가측성 | unpredictability |
시장 상황 | market situation |
무려 | no less than |
재고 | stock |
부당행위 | improper conduct |
정의 | definition |
남아있었다 | remained |
낙관해 | optimistic |
판매량 발표 | sales announcement |
근거 없이 | without evidence |