Hybe’s Dirty Media War with Ador’s CEO Exposed!
The conflict between Hybe and Min Hee-jin, the CEO of Ador, is nearing its conclusion, with a key shareholder meeting set to potentially replace Ador’s board members. This dispute has left a significant stain on Hybe’s reputation due to questionable media tactics, which included leaking internal communications and making unfounded claims against Min Hee-jin. These actions led to a severe drop in Hybe’s stock value and raised doubts about the company’s motives. The controversy has also damaged trust within the company, particularly with the parents of NewJeans members. The outcome of Min Hee-jin’s legal challenge against Hybe will determine the next steps, but the media’s role in this saga has been widely criticized.
Original article : Hybe, turned into ‘Chu-ibe’… The result of unacceptable media play [Jeon Hyeong-hwa’s Direct Writing]
For Korean Learners
Korean | English |
갈등 | Conflict |
언론 | Media |
명성 | Reputation |
주식 | Stock |
회의 | Meeting |
주주 | Shareholders |
이사회 | Board |
논란 | Controversy |
회사 | Company |
내부 | Internal |
주장 | Allegations |
법적 | Legal |
주장 | Claims |
신뢰 | Trust |
소통 | Communications |
분쟁 | Dispute |
동기 | Motives |
공적 | Public |
행동 | Actions |